Sole Survivor

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Walls Of Jericho (1985)

1. Walls Of Jericho


2. Ride The Sky


Much too long I've been a prisoner here
The hour has come to break out
Shackled and chained almost goin' insane
It's better to live on the run
Set me free, set me free

Send me a sign, wanna leave it all behind
I'll be leaving the hands of doom
Rearrange the master plan, take the future in my hands
To be free and not trapped anymore

Ride the sky, Ride the sky
Give me wings to fly, Ride the sky

I have to think for myself and then act
In conformity of my own thoughts
No one should tell me what's wrong and what's right
Why don't you leave me alone
Set me free, set me free


[Solo: both/K/both/M]


3. Reptile


Coming from the sewerage creepin' thru the pipes
Born from modern chemistry a thing that is alive
Growing in this rotten crap at places no one wipes
Eating rats and stinking shit and all it needs to thrive

The scientists got no way to fight
For they can't find any weak point to get rid of it right
You live your life and you don't know what's goin' on
You just can't stop a thinking that the officials do you wrong

You're sometimes wondering what the hell bit your baby's arm
And the nuns at the holy mission can't keep the tramps from harm
Even thieves around dark corners too scared to leave the door
Frustrated businessmen needing a wank can't find themselves a whore

You won't believe 'till you know that it's real
From the pain in your stomach and the horror you feel
You need a shit so you head off to the loo
You're coming to the bog, now what you're gonna do !

There's the Reptile (Reptile)
Just see his eyes
Reptile (Reptile)
Can you see the beast arise

Reptile (Reptile)
Creeping up on you
Reptile (Reptile)
There's nothing left that you can do

[Solo: K/M]

And there's the Reptile (Reptile)
Hidden till now
Reptile (Reptile)
But now it's there you don't know how

Reptile (Reptile)
Just watch it grow
Reptile (Reptile)
And there's no more human being left but you

Oerrrps !

4. Guardians


We're living in our units
And one thing we can do is
Work for a life without a fate

We don't pay any taxes
But the state is the axes
Of our minds without love without hate

We have a higher order
No one needs to be a hoarder
Our society is such a glorious thing

In our centers we can dream of
Anything you never think of
You can't say we are puppets on a string

Our minds are kept so clean
Checked up on a screen
They're holy men, they're saints
Without them we might all fail

We don't know war and crime
Things of ancient times
We just see it if we put on video

The blue pass is for my life
And the red one's for my wife
It's the only thing we really need to show

There are still some without rules
But I tell you, they're all fools
The Guardians will find them as we've seen

We got banks where we freeze them
They get new brains screwed in then
And act contrarily to what they have been

With new minds made so clean
Checked up on a screen
They will be the saints
Without them we might all fail

Guardians of our lives
Protect security
They turn the key and they step in
Controlling you and me
Guardians of our lives
Take care eternally

[Solo: both/K/M]

Puppets on a string
Puppets on a string

5. Phantoms Of Death


There are phantoms here on earth who take away our lives
They kill your kids and they rape your wives
They rip your flesh tear your heart take you down to hell
They don't give a damn on any kind of life

Phantoms bring evil, destruction and death
Night after night the same old game
They all look so harmless but deep in their hearts
Satan is lurking, and he will break out

Always someone at your back only waiting to attack

Phantoms of death, Phantoms of death

The empire of deceivers is built upon your fear
You'll have to lose it 'cause the end is near
Warheads, armies stand to strike I know it isn't right
I wanna get out of here I don't wanna die

Infernal destruction of fire you'll burn
Then you'll be helpless but it's not too late
Stand up right now and you'll be the winner
Or Satan will get you, take you forever

Genocide everywhere, where's the saviour of this world

Phantoms of death, Phantoms of death

[Solo: M/K/M/K/K/both]

Where is he the promised saviour the one who'll save the earth
Perhaps he'll come to bury us but then it'll be too late
Who are they who are the phantoms who will end our lives
It's you and me, you and me open up your eyes

Phantoms bring evil, destruction and death
Night after night the same old game
They all look so harmless but deep in their hearts
Satan is lurking, and he will break out

We are all parasites of this world we shall die

Phantoms of death, Phantoms of death

6. Metal invaders


Fool moon standing in the streets
I know the time is near
Incarnate power roaring from the sky
Unrelenting forces blasting through the air
Roaring thunder lift your hands and pray

Running through the empty streets they're looking for the fight
Swords gleam in the light of moon the gods prepare to strike

Metal invaders, ready to strike
A warning from hell, be careful tonight

Dark night overwhelming bright light
See the demons fly
Can't trust your senses fear you'll have to die
Super mighty shadows casting amplitudes to ears
Sounds you've never heard that take you high

Time has come for them to rise, invasion is their doom
Riding high on iron horses in the light of moon

Metal invaders, the gods on their ride
Sworn to bring metal, mayhem tonight

[Solo: both]

7. Gorgar


You're runnin' around in the gamblin' hall
Every night it's the same
You're lookin' for something new to play
To win and have fun is your aim

A pinball speaks to you
His metal voice is knockin' in your head
You can't resist you'll have to play
You're just another victim caught in the trap

Gorgar will eat you, Gorgar - man you'll never win - hey
Gorgar will eat you, Gorgar - but you keep on playin' - hey

Your blood is boilin' your eyes grow wide -
Advance - too late
Gamblin' fever has taken your mind - this fuckin' machine of hate

You spend all your money but you'll never win
You're always the loser and the robot's voice keeps hammering

Gorgar will eat you, Gorgar - man you'll never win - hey
Gorgar will eat you, Gorgar - but you keep on playin' - hey

Wastin' money for fun every night
Livin' for today no thoughts for tomorrow
Man you are dead don't you realize
Wake up and live before it's too late

[Solo: M/K]

Gorgar will eat you, Gorgar - man you'll never win - hey
Gorgar will eat you, Gorgar - but you keep on playin' - hey

8. Heavy Metal (Is The Law)


Fight hard
Live fast
Play loud
Step out of the crowd

Steel bent
Forever the faith will live on in our hearts

There's nothing else in all the world
That will bring it down
We will play our wildest step to all around
We need it as a liquid in our veins instead of blood

Brains out
United metallians ready to strike

White heat
Red hot
If you don't feel it you won't understand

There's nothing else in all the world
That will bring it down
We will play our wildest step to all around
We need it as a liquid in our veins instead of blood

Heavy Metal is the law that keeps us all united free
A law that shatters earth and hell
Heavy Metal can't be beaten by any dynasty
We're all wizards fightin' with our spell

[Solo: M/both]


9. How Many Tears


A lot of things occur each day
We've got to live with on our way
There's so much misery on the screen
With commercials in between

And the Russians won't be so late
Uncle Sam don't wanna wait
No matter if you're black or white
You never ever had a right

And look up to the eternal skies
See warfare even there
What once has been a paradise
Now destruction and despair

In other worlds the children die
Lacking food ill from a fly
Oppressed by troops to tame their land
It's all the same again

If any man is free on earth
Then tormentors steal his birth
They slam gun butts in his face
And leave his woman choked in mace

So stand up for our human rights
Push back this pest of hate
Raise you voice pass on the light
Unite! it's not too late

How many tears flow away
To become a sea of fears
How many hearts are torn apart
Till another torment starts

But before the world
Turns into a sun
All cruelty and violence
On earth will be dead and gone

[Solo: both/both/M/both]

So stand up for our human rights
Push back this pest of hate
Raise you voice pass on the light
Unite! it's not too late


Totul a început în Hamburg, în 1978, când Kai Hansen şi Piet Sielck au format trupa Gentry. În 1981 vin în formatie Ingo Schwichtenberg şi Markus Großkopf, care cantasera in formaţia Traumschiff, iar trupa este redenumita Second Hell. În 1982 Piet Sielck părăseşte trupa, iar numele se schimba din nou, în Iron Fist de data aceasta. Tot în acest an vine în trupă Mickael Weikath care canta în Powerfool.
În 1984 formaţia debutează pe o compilaţie de la Noise Records, aţături de Running Wild, Dark Avenger şi Hellhammer. Nemultumiţi de numele Iron Fist, acesta este schimbat în Helloween, schimbă litera "o" cu un dovleac şi acesta devine mascota trupei.
În 1985 apare mini LP-ul Helloween, iar în octombrie 1985 albumul Walls of Jericho. Acestea au avut succes, iar in 1986 Helloween pleacă în primul turneu, în care Kai Hansen îşi dă seama ca nu poate face şi vocea şi chitara şi se decide aducerea unui solist vocal. Astfel este recrutat Mickael Kiske de la Ill Prophecy şi formaţia intra în studio pentru un nou album.
Cu albumele Keeper of the Seven Keys I şi II (1987 şi respectiv 1988) Helloween s-a consacrat pe scena Heavy Metal a sfârşitului anilor 80. Au apărut primele videochipuri ale formaţiei şi formaţia a plecat într-un mega-turneu european. De un foarte mare succes s-au bucurat aceste albume şi în America şi mai ales în Japonia. În viteza mai cîntau în acea vreme şi Running Wild şi Judas Priest, dueluri între chitări aveau şi Iron Maiden, melodie mai găseai la Europe, dar pe toate la un loc atât de reuşit combinate numai la Helloween le puteai găsi. Si mai era ceva ce puteai găsi doar la ei: pe Kiske, care la numai optsprezece ani a devenit celebru, nu numai prin vocea sa extraordinară ci şi pentru usurinţa cu care o manevra ca sa o facă să zboare pentru a tine pasul cu partiturile închipuite de colegii săi. Se poate spune ca aceaste două albume au fost cele mai bune din istoria formaţiei, şi pentru mulţi fani acest lucru este un adevăr. Sunt albumele cu care Helloween şi-au câştigat celebritatea şi fanii.

Plecarea lui Kai Hansen de la sfârşitul anului 1988 a fost primul moment de cotitură din istoria formaţiei. El a fost înlocuit cu Roland Grapow, iar formaţia a lansat primul album Best Of, The Best The Rest The Rare.
În 1991, când, dupa nenumărate zvonuri legate de destrămarea trupei, lansează Pink Bubbles Go Ape. Albumul a fost un cumplit eşec atat comercial cat şi din punct de vedere critic, iar curand dupa, tensiunea începe sa apară între membrii formaţiei.
În 1993, Helloween lansează albumul Chameleon, un material cu influenţe pop, care ‘ajută’ trupa să-şi piardă mulţi dintre fanii înrăiţi. În perioada turneului Chameleon, Ingo Schwichtenberg, se îmbolnăveşte şi pe fonsul condumului de droguri este silit sa ia o pauză. Între timp, conflictele în trupă se înrăutăţesc, ducând la concedierea lui Michael Kiske, blamat pentru insuccesul trupei şi schimbarea stilului. Până la urmă a fost o mutare bună, deşi regretată de fani. Kiske a continuat cariera solo, dar s-a îndepărtat de stilul Helloween, experimentănd mai mult aria pop şi jazz decât metal.
Helloween revine în forţă în 1994 cu albumul Master of the Rings, cu un nou solist vocal în persoana lui Andi Deris (ex. Pink Cream 69) şi un baterist nou, Uli Kusch, fost la Gamma Ray, trupa lui Kai Hansen. Ambumul are succes şi încurajează trupa sa continue, iar în 1996 apare The time of the Oath, album dedicat lui Ingo Schwichtenberg care s-a sinucis în 1995 sin cauza schizofreniei şi a dependenţei de droguri. Este albumul care instrumental seamănă cel mai mult cu Keeper, dar vocea lui Deris este mult diferită te cea a lui Kiske. Cu ocazia trneului de promovare este înregistrat un album live, High Live şi un DVD cu acelaşi nume.
Urmează Better Than Raw (1998) , cel mai agresiv album am formaţiei, cu influenţe trash, un album în care Deris îşi dă drumul la voce, şi demonstrează încă o dată, că este o soluţie pentru vocalul trupei. În 1999 este înregistrat Metal Jukebox, un album de cover-uri, mai mult distractiv decât serios.
Cu The Dark Ride (2000), Helloween schimbă din nou stilul, acesta fiind un album întunecat ,apăsător, dar modern. Nu a avut foarte mare succes, şi ca urmare, s-au petrecut noi schimbări de stil şi de alcătuire a formaţiei. Astfel, Roland Grapow şi Uli Kush pleacă pentru a forma Masterplan.

S-au alăturat formaţiei Mark Cross (ex. Metallium) şi Sasha Gerstner (ex. Freedom Call). În 2003 apare Rabbit Don’t Come Easy, album pe care Mark Cross este înlocuit cu Mikkey Dee (Motorhead) din cauza unei boli. În turneul de promovare a cântat la tobe Stefan Schwarzmann. Atât albumul, cât şi turneul au avut succes si au pus bazele noilui stil Helloween.

Helloween avea nevoie de un baterist permanent şi este adus Dani Löble. Albumul care a urmat, Keeper of the Seven Keys - The Legacy (2005) s-a bucurat de succes şi a fost promovat printr-un turneu mondial în urma căruia Helloween lansează un material live şi un DVD, Keeper Of The Seven Keys – The Legacy World Tour 2005/2006 - Live on 3 Continents.

În aceeaşi formulă lansează Gambling With The Devil (2007) şi pleacă într-un turneu mondial alături de Gamma Ray şi Axxis

2007 - Muresan Vasile-Ciprian -